
Bifocal Contact Options You May Be Able To Choose From

If you are in need of bifocal corrective lenses and you like the idea of wearing contacts, you'll be glad to know that you can wear contact lenses that give you the same bifocal features that prescription bifocal glasses would offer you, only in a much different format. If you think that bifocal contact lenses may be a good choice for you, then you want to learn all you can about them, and much of the information you will be interested in can be found in this article. Read More 

Slowing Down The Progression Of Cataracts

Your last visit with your optometrist to have your eyes examined showed traces of protein buildup in your lens. This is the beginning of cataracts. While it may be years until they cause you vision problems, there are some things you can do to prolong cataract surgery, which is still the most effective treatment for cataracts. Where Cataracts Come From Researchers don't know what triggers the start of cataracts. Family history contributes to your risk of getting cataracts, as do some environmental conditions. Read More 

4 Possibly Unknown Things You Need To Know About Your Vision

It isn't uncommon to experience a change in your eyesight. This is especially true the older that you get. However, when you begin to lose your vision, it could be a sign of a serious problem, which could increase your overall risk of infection, injury and even death. If you haven't been taking your eyesight and eye health seriously, here are four reasons that you may want to consider doing so as soon as possible: Read More 

Tetris: Bane And Brilliance For The Eyes

The game of Tetris has sold more than 170 million copies across the world and has been given so many difficult levels that to date there are only about 6 players who have attained Grand Master status. The game celebrated its 30th year in 2014 since being created in 1984 and has been the subject of a number of research and medical studies over the years. It has been found to have some effects on the way that people perceive things and hours of play has also been attributed to assisting with certain eye conditions. Read More 

Two Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Have Cataract Surgery

If you're dealing with cataracts, you're not alone.  Around the world, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness, responsible for approximately 51% of all cases of blindness.  The good news is that if you have cataracts, you can certainly have them removed.  However, you may be feeling some anxiety surrounding the removal procedure, since your eyes are such a sensitive part of your body.  Use this information to learn more about cataract removal surgery so you can face your medical procedure with confidence. Read More